Happy 2018! On this exact day last year I read Cait Flander's post A Year of Slow where she talks about embracing slow living experiments for 2017. With the new year here I have decided to follow in Cait's footsteps and will be embracing slow for 2018. The word slow is going to become my 2018 mantra and will need to be repeated often but will hopefully lead me to slow down, take more breaths, put my phone away, enjoy the moment, smell the roses, and give myself room and space to just be.
2017 was a great year - probably the best year of my adult life, and that isn't because of the things I did but more so the mindset I adopted. I faced some of my fears, worked on my anxiety, and just became a little more me. Through all of that I have really felt the pull and call of less, and slow, and getting back to basics. I want to ensure that I do not continue to get swept up in the craze that is busyness, eating out constantly, spending too much money, and missing the special everyday moments that are always there as long as I look for them.
For my year of slow I want to embrace...
Slow Gratitude
I want to take the time to really breathe in the little magical moments of the every day.
Slow Food
I want to simplify what I eat, really take the time to appreciate what it is I am eating, and reduce the amount of time I spend in the kitchen preparing meals. I also want to cut back on how often I choose to eat out and make eating out something that is saved for special occasions or celebrations.
Slow Travel
I only want to go to a few places this year (I've already booked this amazing place!) that are all within Ontario, and I want to ensure that while I am there the goal is to enjoy whatever that experience brings instead of trying to cram each little trip with as much as possible.
Slow Technology
I want to stay off of my phone more which has practically become a fifth limb at this point, and I want to live in the present instead of feeling the need to document every single moment and viewing it from behind a lens.
Slow Mornings
Mornings for me are always very rushed and by the time I get to the car to head to work I already feel stressed. I want to wake up a little earlier and take more time to just take it easy. I want to be able to eat breakfast at home, do some stretches, cuddle my cat, take some deep breaths and really set myself up for a positive day ahead.
Slow Evenings
My evenings aren't rushed, but I do have the tendency to waste the evening away by just watching TV. That isn't to say I will never watch TV again (cause let's be real) but it certainly should not be the only thing I do. I want to spend my time in more valuable ways in the evenings by reading, going for walks or pursuing something creative, and I also want to create an evening routine that allows me to really wind down before bedtime.
Slow Money
I don't spend much, and I certainly do not buy many (if any) 'things'. What I do spend a lot of money on however is take out; Tim Horton's. Starbucks. McDonald's. Domino's. Pizza and coffee have become my security blanket for far too long and it is time I start to loosen that grip. I want to have some extra money aside so I can pay for my tattoo I am getting this year, as well as a little trip I am planning with my sister.
Slow Movement
I often find myself power walking from one place to another, or as I am cleaning the house for no apparent reason - I'm not actually under any pressure to get somewhere quickly and yet my actions say otherwise. Before I know it I feel rushed and stressed and out of breath with no idea why. I want to be more intentional and slow down my movement this year by walking slower, and picking yoga back up.
Slow Self Care
This one doesn't really have much of a description other than I need to take time out for me, and not feel guilty for doing so. If I need an hour long bath, that's what I am going to do. If I want to go for a two hour walk, that's what I am going do to. If I need a night to myself, that is what I am going to do. I need to start listening to myself more and I need to stop being afraid to ask for what I need.
...This experiment may change as the year goes on, just as I hope to do and I may or may not blog about it. As much as I would love to document the year I might just want to live in the moments and let them be. Whatever this year brings I am going to do my best to enjoy it and savour it, slowly.
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