I used to love wearing makeup, and still do, but when I was younger I would really cake my face in all sorts of products and it led me to having some issues with my skin. When I discovered minimalism one of the things I decided to simplify was my makeup collection; I spent far too much time in the morning getting ready, and knew it was important that I stopped putting so many products on my face. I thought it was also important to show myself a little self love and embrace my face how it is, both pretty and flawed, and perfectly imperfect all at once.
On most days I wear what you see above. From left to right: hydrating lip balm, mineral face powder, all natural facial primer, mascara, BB cream, and highlighting cover up. I do own more makeup than pictured (some eye shadows, a blush and a highlighter) but I only wear those on rare occasions. As you can see I only have one all-natural product that I currently wear and I will make a post about all-natural vs. drug store makeup sometime in the near future.
The one piece of makeup I have to rant and rave about currently is the BB Cream by Rimmel; My skin has been really dry this winter, and this BB Cream is not only light, but it is moisturizing too and my skin is just loving it! I also swear by the Purdy Natural all-natural facial primer as it creates such a great base to protect my skin from all the other products I am putting on, and it supports a local business so win/win!
Ultimately, makeup is meant to be fun and is meant to enhance our already existing beautiful features. If minimalism has taught me one thing it is the importance of focusing on more of what really matters; Accepting myself, my flaws, and my imperfections has been a big part of learning to love myself more, and allowing others to see who I really am, and letting go of the security blanket that makeup once was has been incredibly liberating. 3 years ago I would have been brought to tears at the thought of leaving my house without any makeup on, as silly as that sounds, but now I am more than happy to go out barefaced and beautiful.
Here are a few things to consider if you are thinking of reducing your makeup collection:
- Why do you wear makeup? Do you wear it for fun, or does it play the role of a security blanket for you?
- How many items of makeup do you currently own? Could you consider reducing it by a third?
- Do you have any expired items? These are the quickest and easiest items to get rid of.
- How often do you wear certain makeup items? Can you let go of that eye shadow that you haven't touched in 6 months?
- Do you have any duplicates, or items that don't work with your skin type?
- Do you have any unused items that are still in date that you could donate or pass along to a friend?
- Ask yourself what matters more to you: stuff or space?
What are some of your favorite go to makeup items, and how have you embraced your natural beauty lately?
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