I've been meaning to write this post for a little while but... I just haven't. Today I hopped over to Cait Flander's blog to see if she had written anything just before Christmas because I'M A HUGE FAN (can you tell?) and in her latest post she mentioned Bianca Bass's post Why It's Time We Removed the Pressure Around Christmas. After reading Bianca's post I realized I was not alone in how I felt about Christmastime and it was the kick up the butt I needed to finally write out my thoughts. How is Christmas meant to feel? Warm, and cozy, and joyous, and special. It's meant to be full of sugar cookies, and gifts, and decorations, and family, and laughter, and good times, and good memories, and Christmas movies, and lights, and hot chocolate. This is what comes to mind when I think of Christmastime and how it should be. When I click on the TV, watch a Christmas movie, flick through the store flyers, or scroll on my Instagram feed this is all reinf...