My third slow experiment is trotting along nicely, and I have come to the realization that these slow experiments are not really doing what I thought they would do. I thought these experiments would lead me to a deeper sense of peace and calm, a more present focus on the moment, a way to really embrace the simplicity of things, but instead I just feel restless and a knowing sense that the year of slow although only three months in is already coming to an end. Instead of being disappointed with this outcome, I'm choosing to be grateful. I'm grateful because everything happens for a reason and the three experiments I have done so far have led me to the realize that this may be the end of slow, but the beginning of something else: Surrender. I have been journaling a lot lately and I find myself often writing 'surrender, surrender, surrender'. Writing those words feels a whole lot like inhaling calm and peace and exhaling anxiety and stress. It is easy to think of ...
February is almost over and spring is on the horizon! Or at least that is what I am telling myself and with the balmy breeze we are experiencing in Southern Ontario today, it is easy to believe. February was my month to pursue slow self care and all in all I think it was a success. I didn't really have much of an agenda for the month except making self care my primary focus, and that allowed me a lot of freedom to pursue whatever self care meant to me on any given day. I tried to listen to my intuition more this month which let me tap into what I actually needed and giving myself the space to just do what I needed to do felt incredibly rewarding; Some nights that meant that I sat around watching YouTube and ignored everything on my to do list. Other nights that meant I took the time to wind down before bed time and pampered myself a little. I allowed myself to be flexible and tried to let go of any limiting beliefs I held regarding self care. Here are some other things...