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Showing posts from February, 2018

February in Review & Slow Experiment No. 3

February is almost over and spring is on the horizon! Or at least that is what I am telling myself and with the balmy breeze we are experiencing in Southern Ontario today, it is easy to believe. February was my month to pursue slow self care and all in all I think it was a success. I didn't really have much of an agenda for the month except making self care my primary focus, and that allowed me a lot of freedom to pursue whatever self care meant to me on any given day. I tried to listen to my intuition more this month which let me tap into what I actually needed and giving myself the space to just do what I needed to do felt incredibly rewarding; Some nights that meant that I sat around watching YouTube and ignored everything on my to do list. Other nights that meant I took the time to wind down before bed time and pampered myself a little. I allowed myself to be flexible and tried to let go of any limiting beliefs I held regarding self care. Here are some other things...

Celebrating the Seasons

This year I want to do something a  ~ little~ different. In previous years I've often found myself unhappy with the season I was in: if it was summer, I would want the cold crisp air of winter. If it was winter, I would want the warm gentle breeze of summer, but as 2017 pressed on I learnt to enjoy the season I was in. I learnt to be present in the season (although I have yet to master being present in the moment) and I realized that maybe this was a metaphor for also being comfortable and happy with the season of life I was in. This year I want to take the time to celebrate the seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter and be thankful for the abundance each one brings; It feels important to me to give a little nod to each season - a thank you for what has been and an excited anticipation for what is yet to come. Each Equinox and Solstice I want to dive in deep and really drink in the seasonal goodness. + Cook Something Seasonal BBQ'd salmon and fresh veggies in the Su...

Why Accepting Yourself Isn't the Same As Loving Yourself

For a long time I hated the reflection I saw staring back at me in the mirror. There were more times than I can count when I would stare back at myself with hot angry tears streaming down my face thinking 'why does this have to be me?' And it wasn't just my appearance that I despised - it was the person inside too. I did not like myself, it was as plain and as simple as that. I am not even too sure where this dislike came from, as with a lot of young girls it started in my teenage years. Maybe it was because some of the girls in school made fun of me, or made comments under their breath to tease me... sticks and stones will break my bones, and words will always hurt me. I was never slim enough. Never pretty enough. Never popular enough. Never confident, or funny, or outgoing enough. Just. Not. Enough. And I was hard on myself too. Really hard on myself. Well maybe if I wasn't so stupid, or lazy, or awkward then maybe people would like me more, and if people liked m...
