As a kid I was always taught the Golden Rule: to treat others the way you want to be treated, and now as an adult I can appreciate the sentiment - if you don't like being called names, then don't call people names for example - but there is one problem with the Golden Rule, and that is that it's 'me' centred; It makes me the centre of the universe and assumes that everyone wants to be treated exactly the way I want to be treated. We are all so wonderfully unique in so many ways that it is impossible to expect everyone (or anyone for that matter!) to want to be treated the same way that I want to be treated. The Golden Rule is great for children, but as an adult I think the Platinum Rule speaks to a higher level of respect for those around us whether that be strangers, family, friends, or animals. The Platinum Rule: Treat others the way they want to be treated. When I first heard The Platinum Rule it blew my mind. I immediately thought back to ...