"Happiness is a habit - just like brushing your teeth before you go to bed" - Me. Yes I just quoted myself. Yes I know that is kind of ridiculous, but happiness is a habit just like brushing your teeth! There are two kinds of happiness - long term and short term. Long term happiness while it requires more effort and patience to obtain, it also offers great and longer lasting rewards. Short term happiness on the other hand is much easier and quicker to obtain, but often times only offers immediate gratification, and its power is only temporary. Short term happiness can even bring about unhappiness. For example if you go to Tim Horton's and buy 3 iced coffee's a day you might be happy in the moment you are buying them (because they are freaking delicious), but by the end of the week when you realize how much money you have spent on those iced coffee's you might be left feeling worse than you did at the beginning of the week. People often times think that...